Thursday, 28 November 2013

Contextual studies stuff

SO! Its that time of year again.. contextual studies essay is due in by the end of the term. Luckily this time its a lot more interesting as its about a photographer of our choice, and also a little bit about how photography has changed over the years ie. from analogue to digital. But mostly i am excited because we get to recreate a image in the style of our chosen photographer. After hours of searching for someone unique who really inspires me, i came to the conclusion of choosing Kirsty Mitchell. I wanted to do someone who is similar to Tim walker, in the sense of the set and prop design etc. And when i found her i was overwhelmed with the amount she goes to to create the beautiful unique images she does.
Growing up, art became my sole passion. I studied until I was 25, taking courses in the history of art, photography, fine art, and then on to train in Costume for Performance’ at the London College of Fashion. Having graduated and worked for a short time in the industry, I decided to further my education, and returned to university, completing a first class degree with honours in fashion design, at Ravensbourne College of Art in the summer of 2001. During this time I also completed two internships at the design studios of Alexander McQueen and Hussein Chalayan, both of whom have affected me greatly. 

So her background is not entirely in photography, but is the explanation as to why her photographs have so much depth in them using the props.
I will be recreating (or at least attempting to create) images from her set "Wonderland". They are probably some of the most captivating images i have ever seen and I would really love to create something to that standard, I personally think you can't help but look twice at them, and the further you look at them the more detail and beauty you find.

Here are some images from the set, (all images taken by Kirsty Mitchell)


So as you can see they are very amazing, and a lot of care has been put into the props and set. Its going to take a lot of crafting to get there but I'm looking forward to this task!

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